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Cultural Sweet Grass


Most users report the following:


Can Help To Reduce Anxiety

Promotes Relaxation

Assists With Digestion

Can Help Reduce Inflammation

Can Help Alleviate Some Mild Pain





*For Topical Use! 

photo of body oil in a clear  glass jar, dropper lid with an ocean background ans sea gras
photo of body butter in an open glass jar with an ocean background ans sea grass .jpg

More About Sweet Grass

Sweetgrass Scent

The scent of Muhlenbergia sericea (commonly known as sweetgrass) is light, sweet, and slightly earthy with subtle vanilla undertones. This pleasant aroma becomes most noticeable when the grass is dried and used in traditional crafts, such as Gullah sweetgrass baskets. The fragrance of sweetgrass is often described as calming and reminiscent of fresh hay or herbs with a warm, slightly floral sweetness. It has been historically significant in cultural rituals and ceremonies, particularly among Indigenous peoples and the Gullah community, for its soothing and purifying properties.



Sweetgrass is traditionally used as an herb and agricultural tools in various forms.


  • Sweetgrass coiled-baskets ,which were traditionally used for  "winnowing" rice (the process of separating rice grains from their husks), are now used as a historical reminder of the history of the Gullah Geechee people. These wide, flat baskets (Fanner Baskets) were made from seagrass. Now, many craftsmen and women mostly make these baskets as art pieces and a means to continue this traditional craft. 

  • Sweetgrass is harvested, dried, and braided or bundled for ceremonial burning (smudging). When lit, it produces a fragrant smoke used for purification and spiritual practices. for some Indigenous people.



• Dried sweetgrass can be steeped in hot water to make a tea, valued for its mild, sweet flavor and potential calming effects.



• Sweetgrass can be infused into oils (e.g., jojoba or olive oil) by steeping dried grass in the oil for several weeks, creating a lightly scented product for skin or spiritual rituals.



Sustainable harvesting and respectful use are essential to preserving its cultural heritage.

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